INOCOS: Revela a tua essência

Package INOCOS 3 Cateye Magnetic Magnets

The Pack 3 Cateye magnets has 3 formats: Cylinder, Circle and Rectangle.

  • Package INOCOS 3 Cateye Magnetic Magnets
Package INOCOS 3 Cateye Magnetic Magnets
6,85 €  
The product is out of stock.

REF. 93.03.021

The Pack 3 Cateye magnets has 3 formats: Cylinder, Circle and Rectangle. It is ideal for creating effects in nail art, depending on the magnet used, the proximity of the color and the angle.

Modo de Uso:
1- Aplicar Verniz Gel cor. Catalisar.
2- Aplicar uma camada de verniz gel Cateye. Não catalisar.
3- Aproximar o íman da unha para criar o efeito pretendido. Catalisar.
4- Finalizar com uma camada de top coat. Catalisar.
